Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meet Beautiful Natalia!

This Cute girl just turned ONE!! She couldn't be more adorable!! Her mom is absolutely beautiful inside and out! Love you Both!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Meet My Handsome Nephew Jaxson

My sister came to Utah to visit from Japan and we all got to meet my cute nephew for the first time. Is he not absolutely ADORABLE!!??

Beautiful Kelsey

So i was taking this adorable girls Pictures and was trying to figure out who it was she looked liked.... Then it came to me Amanda Seyfried!! What do you think?

The Adorable Twins

Meet Beautiful Adrea

This shoot couldn't have been easier. Abrea is a dancer, when she showed up with all her cute stuff i could already tell that it was going to be a fun shoot. Abrea and her sisters will be performing in the 2012 Olympics!! Hope you all love this shoot as much as i did.

Monday, May 9, 2011